Taylor Swift Free to Re-Record Her First Five Albums After Battle With Former Label


Taylor Swift is officially free to re-record her old music. Swift can now legally re-record new versions of her first five albums, which Scooter Braun gained ownership of last year following his $300 million deal with Big Machine Label Group.  Swift said last year that her contract allowed her to re-record her music in November 2020 — and her fans got #TaylorIsFree trending on Twitter. 

Swift confirmed in August 2019 that she planned on re-recording her first five albums — Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, and 1989 — once legally allowed to do so. “It’s something that I’m very excited about doing, because my contract says that starting November 2020, I can record albums one through five all over again. I’m very excited about it. I think that artists deserve to own their work,” she added. “I just feel very passionately about that.”

‘Taylor Is Free’: Taylor Swift Can Officially Re-Record Her First Five Albums & Fans Are Celebrating

Via www.msn.com

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